CHIKO Driven-pile Ground Mount
The CHIKO Driven-pile Ground Mount, designed for servicing to large-scale solar farm (1-100MW), with its cost-effective and easy installation, without any compromise on design, quality, delivery or cost. It required no ground screw pile or concrete base. However, it uses the pile column as foot, and have its foot firmly grounded in durability, adaptability and reliability. In particular, its hot dip galvanized thickness is more than 80 microns.

⊙ One Tripod will fit multitude of different flat concrete roof PV installations, professional design terminate future temporary site fabricating structures using aluminum profile.
⊙ You will need only 1 system.
⊙ Flat concrete roof PV installation never been so simple
Engineering Excellence
⊙ Static analysis for different configurations is available.
⊙ Design services for mounting systems at no charge.
⊙ All stability tests are carried out according to current standards.
Maximum Service Life
⊙ Highly corrosion resistant without additional treatment.
⊙ Minimum maintenance costs due to the long lasting anodized finish.
⊙ 10-year limited warranty,30-year service life.
The most prefered medium to large solar farm

Time-Saving Installation
⊙ Industry-leading installation time
⊙ Engineered for easy maintenance
⊙ Installed quickly by using pile-driving machine
⊙ Fast and accurate installation way in a variety of terrain conditions

Capcity of 6MW quality products processed thanks to the chiko's constantly investing in the latest machinery and technology, to improving the flexible manufacturing facility.